Step 1: On a mobile or desktop browser, type:
Type in your Sekur Username and Password.
Note: Do not type your email here.
Step 2: To Invite, click on "Invite"
Step 3: Create your Chat By Invite
You can send your chat by invites by either using an email address or a SMS Number
Click on either Email address OR SMS Number
Enter the email or sms
Enter the first name
enter the last name
Once this is complete, you can either click "Create" or click on "+ Additional Participants" to add additional people.
When adding additional people - click on the X if you wish to remove them from the invite.
Click "Create" to send the invitation(s)
Opting in to Receive Text Messages from Sekur
< Click here to expand >
< Click here to expand >
Due to U.S. FCC regulations, we are required to have your recipients consent before sending any SMS text messages to their phone. You will see the following message after entering their phone number:
Copy the link provided in this message (
Inform your US recipient (Owner of the phone number) to register their number to receive chat by invite from Sekur OR you can register their number yourself.
They will be directed to the following site mentioned above:
This is a one-time process. Once the number is registered, there is no need to submit this request again.
After the number is registered, your recipient will receive an invitation to join the chat via a text message. An example is provided below:
Step 4: Chat Group Options
If you added multiple addresses, you can assign this group a name along with additional details. This is optional.
Click "Confirm" to complete.
Step 5: Chat
You and your recipient will now be able to communicate within Sekur's private platform. You can send attachments up to 5 GB and voice messages.