Email Migration Instructions for AOL
The SekurMail Email Migration tool allows you to import all emails and folders from a remote IMAP account into your SekurMail account.
Please read and follow these steps carefully to import your data.
1) Create AOL App Password
a) Login to AOL account at
b) Enter your credentials to login
c) Click on “Account Security”. Scroll down until you see “Other ways to sign in” > “App Password” Click on “Generate app password”
d) You may have to login if not already logged in and you will be directed to the “App passwords” page.
e) After clicking ““Generate app password” a window will open with an explanation about App password. Click “Get Started”
o Enter your app’s name - Choose a name like “Sekur”
o Click “Generate Password”
f) The password window (example below) will be shown and only shown once. Be sure to copy it down immediately.
** If this password is ever forgotten a new app password will need to be created. Follow the same steps to do so.
3) Set up migration settings in SekurMail
· Gather the IMAP account settings for the remote account. You’ll need IMAP server, username, password, port and
SSL or TLS settings.
· Go to SekurMail, click Sekur (icon with 3 horizontal lines) -> Data -> Email migration. Enter migration settings as shown below.
· Once all settings are entered click “Start email migration”
4) Carefully read the confirmation message and confirm to start the process.
You will see this message if you have turned ON to “Delete email in local account before migration”
You will see this message if you have turned OFF to “Delete email in local account before migration”
5) The migration process will begin.
· First it will verify IMAP server connection and credentials are correct. This will be verified quickly, if successful the migration of folders and emails will commence. This will take some time depending on how much email you are migrating.
· The SekurMail interface will be unusable during migration so wait for the process to complete.
· Once migration is complete and successful you will see this.
· If there is a problem with IMAP settings or credentials, the migration will abort as shown below. Remote IMAP connection failed
· Please double check that your settings and credentials are accurate and retry.
· Upon completion your SekurMail interface become available again. Go to the Mail module to confirm emails have migrated.
· If you close your browser or tab during the migration process, the migration will continue. Upon return if a migration is still running, the SekurMail interface will be blocked with a notification of the running migration.
· You must wait for the migration to complete at which time the SekurMail interface will become available.