How To Create Your SekurMail Signature
Step 1: Login to Your SekurMail in a web browser
Step 2: Click on: Settings
Step 3: Under Settings, Click Identities:
Step 4: In this screen you will see the email identities in the middle. One or more will be present depending on the email addresses and/or alias you setup. Select the email address you want to create a signature for then, Click on "Create" which is indicated by the arrow.
Step 5: Under Settings, you can add the fields here if you wish. Clicking on "Set Default" will automatically assign this signature to this email address. You can toggle this on or off.
Step 6: Under "Signature" you can type out your signature details. If you wish to use the HTML format to add colour, images, fonts, etc. Click on this icon to expand:
Step 7: Click "SAVE" button to save your changes.